How to build locally ?

Clone the project

git clone

Install dependencies

  • python3
  • pip3

Create python package for testing

cd codegen-unixsocketcs
make update
  • We use the PyPI repo for development, you can check Makefile to see the build and test process.
  • If you need knowledge how the python package works, please do read Packaging Python Projects.
  • The python package has been built and uploaded into

Generate unix socket applcation

make test
  • The application app is generated according to testconfig.json.
  • The cli commands and handler functions are defined in testconfig.json.

Test the application

  • Start server in one terminal

    cd app
  • Start client in another terminal

    cd app
    python3 [cmd]
  • cmd is the cli command defined in testconfig.json.
  • You also can check by python3 -h.

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